I really love the story. The camera angles make you feel like you're actually there with them. Unfortunately, there are parts I don't like. Here they are:
1- The First Mono Scene: I just hate that. Not the mono, (the mono looks cool) But the way Darius reacts when he sees the mono. It's like saying: Oh don't worry, It's just a tyrannosaurus rex. They won't kill us!
2- BLUE EATING MY COMPY FRIENDS!!: Although there is a part I like about this, the majority of it is sad. She ate a fellow compy.
The Part I like about it, is that I was in the scene. yes, I was in that scene where blue was trapped under the jeep. (I was the compy in front of her head)
Now I will tell you my thoughts on E750!
I REALLY like this hybrid. It looks very scary, horrific, and lots of teeth. Typical Dr. Wu creation.
(now I wish it were in JWE) Another thing about this guy/girl is that It looks very similar to the indoraptor!
Thanks for reading guys. Hope you enjoy my thoughts.
It looks like it has HUMAN DNA
Sweetener has an E750 mod, but idk if you have mods. I thought that scene with the mono was also kinda stupid, cuz I'm pretty sure that thing is the size of a young allo. Otherwise this has been the best season yet :D